Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Giving Thanks

 Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Thanksgiving is the perfect opportunity to incorporate a bit of US history in to an ESOL classroom! As the only holiday specific to the United States, sharing a meal on the fourth Thursday in November is an American custom that many immigrants to our country are excited to take part in. The rich history surrounding the holiday and its family-oriented traditions are often very unfamiliar to recent migrants to the US. Because of this, Thanksgiving lesson plans are a definite must-use for English teachers!

There are a number of Thanksgiving-related classroom ideas all over the internet, but a specific ESOL lesson plan from has proven successful for a number of our teachers.
The lesson includes a passage for reading, a section on vocabulary and spelling, some fill-in-the-blanks for listening, a portion on comprehension, and ends with an interview to be used to facilitate speaking.

The entire lesson takes anywhere from 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours, and can be done in groups or as an entire class. Best of all, when the lesson is complete students will have a greater understanding of why and how Americans celebrate Thanksgiving every year!

The entire lesson plan can be found here:

We hope that everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and knows just how thankful we are for our students, volunteers and staff! Gobble Gobble!

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