Friday, January 20, 2012

A,B,C, Make a Story With Me


When I was younger my friends and I used to play The A-to-Z Game. We would play it while walking to soccer practice, in the car with our families and even at the dinner table. What exactly is this game? How do you play it? I’ll tell you how! First step is, pick a topic. The topic could be anything from food, names, movies, things you bring on a camping trip to book titles. Once you have your topic that best suits your family or friends, you start with the letter A and take turns. Let’s use the example of things you might bring on a camping trip. The first person will think of an item that begins with the letter A, perhaps they’ll say apple, then the next player will take the letter B and perhaps they’ll say bug spray.

Now you’re off to a great start! If you can make it all the way to Z, pick a new topic and start again. As the players become more comfortable, the game may become easier. At this point you can start to add rules such as only giving them 10 seconds to respond. You can also call a “Time Out!” if you think a player said a word that doesn’t fit in with the topic. For example, the topic could be a day at the beach, and the player with the letter M says Monkey! If you think that doesn’t fit, yell “Time Out!” and ask that player to explain how a monkey could be found at the beach. If that player gives you an answer that supports their word, then move on! But if they can’t give an explanation then they will have to re-think their answer and respond again! If they can’t think of one, the letter gets passed to the next player.

So next time you’re in the car with your family, or walking to the park, try to see if you can get from A-to-Z!

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